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Payments Promo and Gift cards
At this moment in time, our gift cards are only valid for redemption in stores. Gift cards that are expiring can be extended by our customer care team. Alternatively if a gift card has expired, it can be transferred onto a new year-long gift card.

Yes. We need your information to ensure that if you're lucky enough to win, we can contact you to let you know. By signing up you'll also get early notification of limited edition releases, exclusive styles, rare colourways and an early heads up on when our sale starts.

Sorry but if you didn't enter the code during checkout we cannot apply it after the order has been placed.

You can enter any promotional codes you have in the basket. Enter the relevant number and click redeem. The total should then update. If the code doesn't work please check that it is in date and you have the added the correct products to your basket to qualify for the discount.
If you have found a code on a 'money saving' website, don't be surprised if it doesn't work, as most of these will have expired or will only be usable by certain people.

You can pay online using a variety of payment methods. At the very bottom of this page you'll see all the payment types we accept.
You can only use one payment type per order, we don't have the ability to split your online payment between more than one method.
Any refunds due will always go back to the same original payment method used when you placed the order.